Çerez Örnek
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   Students who successfully complete their four-year education in the Department of Animal Science graduate with the title of Agricultural Engineer. Graduates of the Department of Animal Science have the opportunity to work in public institutions and organizations such as the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, agricultural research institutes, agricultural cooperatives, banks and municipalities. In addition, Zootechnist Agricultural Engineers are employed in private sector enterprises operating in the field of breeding, feeding and poultry, Cattle and Small ruminant breeding. Our graduates who want to pursue an academic career can study at the relevant departments of different universities and benefit from academic staff opportunities.

Zootechnician Agricultural Engineers have the opportunity to work in institutions affiliated to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, agricultural research institutions, agricultural cooperatives, banks and municipalities, and companies operating in the agricultural production, import and export sectors. In recent years, there has been an increase in the zootechnist demands of domestic and foreign private companies that market feed additives in poultry, dairy and beef cattle enterprises, feed factories, private feed analysis laboratories. On the other hand, our graduates successfully manage their own farms by establishing private businesses. Our graduates who want to pursue an academic career can also benefit from staff opportunities in the relevant departments of different universities.

Ege Üniversitesi